The boy is back in town

So, I’m back in Germany. Well, for the second time but that’s another story πŸ˜‰

Let’s recapture the last days in Thailand. I went from Koh Samet to Koh Mak around 2 weeks ago. It’s not fair to share the pictures but I have to as the island is so amazing πŸ˜€

The water is really shallow and freaking warm. Combine that with palm trees and beautiful sunsets and you get a glimpse of paradise.

Relax, this was the best sunset on that island πŸ˜‰ No other was like that. It reminded me of Koh Samet, although, this time, I couldn’t share it.

I stayed in a wooden hut in a hotel called “happy days” and I tried to make this my mantra.

Overall, I wasn’t able to continuously hold on to the bliss I felt previously. But I got glimpses from time to time. I’m sure being on an island helps πŸ˜€

On Labor Day I left the island. But not without an incredible experience. I was walking alongside the beach with my backpacks as suddenly the guy from my midday restaurant came out to greet me and he gave me a huge hug, wishing me the best (and his wife was waving from behind the counter). I didn’t expect that at all! What incredible people! I cherish those encounters. They cost no money but are an expression of love and really make me feel like a human being…connected. I don’t know what I did to deserve it but I suck it all in.

However, while riding the bus and as closer we got to Bangkok as more down my vibe went. I only stayed one night in Bangkok and it was more than enough for me. I’m no fan of big cities. I was glad to embark the plane one week ago and get out of there.

On the 3rd I landed in Munich just to turn on my heels and get on the next flight. After all, it had 9 degrees and was raining 😯 But that was not the reason. My trip got an encore and the band gave everything. It was a concert remembered for eternity. πŸ˜€

Where did I go to? Off to Portugal, to another country I don’t speak the language πŸ˜‰ The area (Algarve) is really beautiful. And I love the sea!

I don’t know what to do with this knowledge. Where to find a spot for mountain biking, sea and most importantly like-minded people around?

I spent nearly one week with Susana and her family and friends. I cannot recapture everything here and I don’t even want to. I have felt welcomed so much by her friends and their children that it was overwhelming at times.
After all, is there a better thing than an 8-year-old girl screaming your name while running towards you for a hug? πŸ˜€
I know you know me by now and know that I am nervous about meeting new people or groups. But it was worth it jumping beyond my comfort zone. I must do something right just being myself.

You are ready for another strange story? Ready or not, here it goes. On Saturday I joined a meditation with 4 moms and their children (why guys are not doing that kind of stuff?). Of course, I didn’t understand much but I felt love towards everybody and was happy just being able to join. The meditation didn’t reveal anything specific for me though. But at some point, it was my turn to hit the drum and while I was doing that the woman leading the meditation saw me as a warrior in many previous lives. She thinks due to that I want connections so much now. Puff, I don’t know what I should think about this. If I believe in past lives (which I kind of do) then I would say it makes sense. After all, I despise war.
Anyway, this was the drawing that I did during the meditation:

Susana is an incredible person. Not only is she a single mom raising 2 boys, which is challenging by itself, but it’s amazing how she finds the time and energy to do all the things beyond that. I don’t think I still have understood all she does:

  • She still runs part of a laboratory she founded (but partly sold)
  • She founded hora das MΓ£es (translates to mother’s time), where she blogs about presence and awareness but also has a weekly radio program (my first time in a radio studio…how cool being able to make those new experiences!)
  • Every week she gives 2 Qigong classes (while just made the instructor’s course last year). I attended one and it was impressive how professional she was doing it!
  • She teaches kids in school about presence and awareness, for example how to deal with disappointments (something that is missing in the normal curriculum)
  • She is a doula (aka birth coach) providing physical and emotional support but also more information than a hospital does
  • Every day she sends out inspiring quotes on Instagram

I’m sure I’m missing some things she does πŸ˜€ She still thinks it is not enough and I’m standing there in awe knowing that it’s a lot already. And that in comparison (which we should not do) I’m doing nothing hahaha
As a good friend of mine said to me, this is also what applies to Susana (Rob, I’m going to steel it from you πŸ˜‰ ): “There is a light shining inside her. And the fact that she doesn’t see it makes it shine even brighter.” Maybe we all need a mirror (from time to time) to reflect our light on it in order to realize it.

While on Koh Mak I had the feeling that we should create something together. I don’t know if it’s going to be Susana’s dream of an eco-village or something else. The eco-village would be cool in the sense that it would mean living in a community of like-minded people, something I feel could be right for me. Anyway, it will come up when the time is right.

So, since 9th of May I am back in Germany. I don’t add “finally” because I have no idea for how long πŸ˜‰
This was the most expensive “vacation” I have ever done with spending over 5,500 EUR. But, it was worth every cent of it. It improved my mental state significantly. And money has lost its importance for me anyway after going through the last 12 months. As Rob always says: “It’s just numbers”.

This trip gave me a final push to a better state of mind. However, I wouldn’t be where I am now if I wouldn’t have had the friends/family around that helped me to get through the difficult times (an understatement…dead people are more alive than I was πŸ˜‰ ) from December until March. I went through my journal entries of those months and was able not to linger in the same low feeling anymore.
I feel gratitude for my support group (I think they know who I mean). And that includes the ones on the spirit side (yes, you read correctly πŸ˜‰ ).
It sounds like I’m believing firmly in a life after death. Unfortunately, I am not yet. Otherwise the fear of death wouldn’t have come up again πŸ˜€

Within the last days I read an interesting blog post.
It basically says that you don’t have to justify your existence or prove your worth. Not to your parents or your family; not to your friends, your boss, or society. Not even to yourself…especially to yourself.
Because you are worth personified. You matter. Right here, right now.
And as long as you enjoy walking your path, no matter how aimlessly it seems, your life has meaning.
I think this whole enlightenment thing is not about reaching some better state in the future, because that would indicate the Now is not perfect, but to realize you have to do nothing, just enjoy life and don’t get attached whatever it throws at you.
Most of my time now, I don’t feel pressure anymore to fulfill/do/proof anything. I mean, I lost (or gave up) everything that people normally pursue: Career, family, relationship and a very special person. In the common sense I am a failure. But I am OK with that. I don’t need to run after something anymore. To proof what? That my life has worth? Without it doesn’t? Bullshit. I’m enjoying the day as it goes without worrying (too much) what I should do with my life. Just live it…and enjoy the journey.
The graveyards are full with people that had ambitions. But are they full with people that enjoyed their existence?

Of course, I have bad days (or sometimes I feel it’s just not that bliss) and this feeling of being a fake comes up. Maybe this whole thing I am acting out is only that, another role I am playing. Honestly, I don’t know. I guess I will find out.

These upcoming days I will have to face the ghosts of the past. On Tuesday it will be one year that my lovely sister Marianne died…

It’s still unbelievable that I cannot talk to her anymore, that I cannot listen to her anymore. That her smile is all but a memory in my heart. She pushed me into another path in my life and I wouldn’t be where I am now without that fucking sad experience. I would give up everything in a second to have her back. And I really hope there is an afterlife…just to hug her one more time.

She was another incredible person in my life journey and she still inspires me. The way she lived. She had a lot of work but she would always make time if anybody needed something or just to have a coffee together. When I go to a coffee shop now, I remember our vacations together when I was complaining that we had to go the 3rd time for a coffee. Oh lord would I wish I could have one now with her.
She always told me “Don’t worry about money Matthias. There is always new one coming in”. So, here I am now, not worrying about money anymore…
Or when people were complaining or stressed about work the typical thing she would say was “It’s only work”. How true!
I’m still far away to live up to the example she led. And I am not saying she was perfect. Nobody is. But she was for me. But I hope to get better each day.
Maybe Nora McInerny in this TED talk sums it up the best way: “We don’t “move on” from grief. We move forward with it.”

I don’t know what comes next. So, you can ask me the typical question “What are you going to do (next)?” but don’t be surprised if my response will be “I have no fucking idea…but it’s OK.”. We both will see what it will be πŸ˜‰

Thanks for being with me on this journey.


5 Replies to “The boy is back in town”

  1. What an amazing post! Thank you for sharing.
    Probably a bit too much in some descriptions (you know what I mean).
    This post is full of strengths , a strength that come from your heart and vulnerability, by the way you expose yourself, your befiefs and your doubts.
    Trust and follow your heart, have faith and patience.
    Vulnerability is a super power that will help you tune in to the frequency of the heart, yours and from those who accept your vibration, which are the ones who worth being close to!
    For your next journey just remember: the way is also a destiny. Look inside and feel yourself … see if what you are going to be and do are aligned and consistent with what you would like, with your heart, with the best version of yourself.
    Portugal is always here waiting for you, most of the time with sun and smiles!

    1. Thank you so much Susana. Your words are a treasure. And no, I don’t think it was too much
      The strength you read is based on a lot of weakness…hopefully only from the past. But like in the quote I shared in the other post. Sometimes (or always?) we have to go through the shit in order to rise.
      Thank you for the reminder on “the way is also a destiny”. I really believe that now. Am I always there? No, but it’s a work in progress. I’m more aware now than before. If we (I) live with this mindset then life is much more joyful. Like listening to music…we wouldn’t enjoy it if a song only consists of the last tone

  2. I really loved what you wrote, especially that text about “the meaning” we so much seek!

    I also LOVED the way you described Susana, because it felt very real and close to reality! Great way to put such an amazing human being into words!!!!

    “We move forward with grief…”
    I felt again like that little girl running to your arms was another way of your sister communicating with you! That’s how it felt to me! Your sister was clearly very wise and with an impressive joie de vivre! Thank you for opening up Matthias and for allowing us to share your journey with you!
    I feel like you should move to Algarve. Honestly! Everything you wrote here seems to be an indication of that.
    And I also feel like I should move there at some point too… πŸ™‚

    1. Hahaha…you know more than me when it comes to living in Algarve as it seems But since you have kind of psychic powers I wouldn’t be surprised if you are right
      We can create a community if you move to Algarve as well. It’s definitely much nicer than the winter in Germany (and even May…wo needs 2 degrees in the morning?).
      On Tuesday I had another “strange” incidence while sitting at my sister’s graveyard. Somebody I grew up with decided to follow her intuition and enter the graveyard as well and we had a really good talk, e.g. about spirituality. I had the feeling that Marianne had her hands in that (mind you, I’m still the doubtful one) as I could see myself going down a sad road in this moment.
      Happy about our connection and have you as a witness to my journey. And I am here cheering you along your road!

  3. I want to thank everybody from the bottom of my heart for the support given to me on Tuesday. β™₯️
    I really felt the support of you guys and I had a really good day. It was so good that at times I felt a bit guilty that I feel that way when it was exactly 1 year ago that Marianne died. However, I know she wouldn’t have wanted any other way.
    Thank you very much
    Vielen Dank
    Eskerrik asko
    Muchas gracias

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