Poland 🇵🇱 (429,3 km)

Here we go again. I do find starting a new journey more difficult than in my youth. Maybe it’s really the age or it’s the fact that I have done so many already that the excitement is less. But, stubborn as I am, I left for Warsaw.

The Czech railway company was the cheapest option. Strangely, first class was even cheaper than second. And I do love the fact that somebody comes in and brings you your coffee in porcelain mugs. I’m a spoiled brat.
However, it took 15 hours to get from Germany to Warsaw via Prague. Not counting the 1.5 hours I cycled to the train station.

Warsaw still has a nice old town but lots of the town was destroyed during WWII. Germans have played an awful role and I am always conscious on how I might be welcomed being one. However, I have met only friendly people and they always tried to help me. Thanks Poland!

19.07.2023 – Day 2 – Warsaw to Dabrowa (79,9 km)

After checking out the town for half a day I finally started off. And boy did I feel a drag. I have again packed too much. I should have left the stove and pots at home (and some other things). I did consider at one point sending something back but it just didn’t work out.
It took a while to get out of town and then the roads were rather boring.
But I found a great wild campground even though later the night proofed not to be as quiet as hoped due to a constant alarm sound.

20.07.2023 – Day 3 – Dabrowa to Kuleszka (77,1 km)

With horror I had to realize that the casting of the rear tyre is broken and the tube already said hello looking outward. Change of plans! I rode to Ostroleka, where the next bike shops were supposed to be. But only after I MacGyver-style put something into the tube to go on. Apparently, it wasn’t enough (or done right!?). 5 km before town I had a flat. Fixing the tube and off I went. Bah, far from “off”. I was limping into town. The last 2 km constantly filling air in and then 700 m before the target it was done. I had to push the bike into Decathlon. There was no selection but at least they had a tyre and tube in the “right” size. 20 EUR and changing them unto the bike later I found myself in good spirits again.
I should have stayed in the town because as I moved on rain clouds seemed to follow me. Once I heard thunder close by it was time to get shelter. I found a pavilion alongside a playground and not only stayed for the rain but the whole night. It’s not fun putting up a tent when the ground is wet. My neighbors were surprised but friendly.

21.07.2023 – Day 4 – Kuleszka to Biebrza NP (112,4 km)

Not for the first time I had to cycle along sandy paths. It’s a bit challenging with the thin tyres and heavy load.
In Lomza I met a guy that recommended me a different route, which he took last year to get to Vilnius. It took him 2 days to cycle the 360 km! The new route let through the Biebrza NP and it is a stunning area. Of course, more tourists as well but still, this part of Poland is far from touristy. I did see many more cyclists with their pantiers. All of them looked lighter than mine 🙄
Along the road you can see many crosses and many of them decorated. Poland is a very religious country after all.

22.07.2023 – Day 5 – Biebrza NP to Augustow (68,4 km)

The morning I stayed in bed thanks to rain. I didn’t mind. Midday I started and made my way. But today was not an easy day. My legs just felt tired. The only motivation was the beautiful landscape and the hope of a room in Augustow.
I also had the chance to witness part of a wedding. In my imagination all the gifts the groom brought are for the parents of the bride in order to give her away. Any thoughts?
Several people asked me where I am going and they drop their chin when I say Tallinn, which, as you know, is only half the story 😀
As a German it’s amazing that you can pay with credit card everywhere, even in the smallest shops in the last village. I haven’t used any cash yet. In fact, I didn’t withdraw any Zloti.
What additionally did I take from Poland? The fields are smaller than I imagined, sometimes with a piece chucked away for growing vegetables. They still have, for example, old harvesters without cabin and also more (small) farms. In a way it feels like when I was growing up…and I love it! It feels much more natural than the big farms we have in central Europe.

23.07.2023 – Day 6 – Augustow to Lithuanian border (91,45 km)

I was really exhausted and needed more time in the morning to motivate myself leaving. But go on I must as my resting day is only in Vilnius.
However, during the first kilometers I realized that I felt much better today. And, looking at the map, I was surprised to find the Lithuanian border within today’s reach. And once an idea is in my mind it is hard to get it out.
I was very happy having reached the Lithuanian border. I mean, sometimes it feels I don’t move forward at all and then suddenly here is the border and I am in another country.

But my happiness didn’t last very long. Just beyond the border I was attacked viciously…to be continued… 😜


2 Replies to “Poland 🇵🇱 (429,3 km)”

  1. Attacked? Well, I hope you mean by mosquitos or something non dangerous.
    I don’t know how you make so many km within few days, but I cheer you on every trip and I wish I had that freedom sometimes.
    The gifts part on the wedding I’d imagine are given to parents for safe keeping, isn’t this everywhere? They do same thing in the UK.
    Good to hear about your adventures and that you’re still getting around regardless your old age (joking obv;) .
    I can’t wait to hear the rest of the story and trip .

    1. Hey Marta, thanks for leaving a comment! I’ll have to let you hanging about the attack. Is there any non-dangerous attack me?
      Maybe one day you’ll have that freedom. You might be in the same age as me then and I’ll check on your kms/day
      I haven’t seen this in Germany (anymore). But yes, buying the woman out of the parent’s house seems the way to go.
      Next post will be after the next border crossing. Will take some time. I’m getting slower (and I thought I’d be faster )

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