I know! The names are crazy. But the region…
…is fantastic! Today I arrived in the Taubertal (valley of the river Tauber).
I had a better sleep tonight since I did not freeze 😉 It was great to have a night in between in my RV. The 3 of us had a great breakfast and what can I say? This has been the earliest start ever (8:30 am) 😀
Gratitude is what comes to my mind thinking back to this morning when my brother and his partner shared some of the way with me. We had a good time even if the route was not as beautiful as yesterday. I feel blessed/grateful that they came all the way just for me!
So, leaving Zirndorf behind we followed the Paneurope cycling path. After 40 km and around midday they went back via Ansbach, while I continued on towards Rothenburg ob der Tauber. If you are Japanese then you know this town 😉 Well, there are not so many of them this time around but still the town was crowded. No wonder with such a beautiful historical downtown. Sometimes I wonder how many more beautiful cities Germany would have were they not destroyed during wars (especially WWII).
After an isotonic drink (wheat beer) and a nice chat I kept pushing on. Now I am on the Taubertal cycling path. Actually, it is called “lovely Tauber valley path” and it is no overstatement. I haven’t gone that far yet but it is beautiful.
I heard that the TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) guys talk about stagnant energy referring to the times we are going through right now. And I can see and feel some truth in this looking at myself. Being in my apartment most of the times and not much contact due to lockdown I felt that my energy wasn’t moving. Not that I realized it back then but now since I am on the move with the bike I can feel myself rejuvenate. Also, Corona (and my monkey mind) gets more into the back of my head. Out here it feels normal, I think about the weather, I enjoy the nature, I suffer through some harder miles, I enjoy the flow when it comes. I discovered for myself that this is a nice way to travel. Allas, not 6 months but there is still a lot to see even if I only would be able to do this kind of traveling.
I did around 90 km today. The last ones hurt but overall I felt really good.
Summary of day 4: It’s great to share the road. On a bike trip and in life
PS: You probably will receive this post only a day after since there is hardly a connection where I camp tonight. I guess you don’t mind by now 😉
Love the pictures, especially the green landscape! Have I mentioned how much German architecture reminds me of home in Poland? I love it! (My ancestors are probably turning in their graves when they see me writing this. But I try not to withhold any type of prejudice in me. What good would that do to me or anyone else?)
Anyways, views are great. Glad to hear you’re on the move. I think that’s the way to go for you. You seem more alive out in the nature and on the move. Maybe you’re not meant to settle in one place? Have you ever thought of that?
I’m sending lots of kisses, hugs and love your way!
Thank you so much for commenting Marta! We are here to heal the ancestral patterns as well. So well done Marta! 🙂 Poland is still on the to-do-list.
Remember that I lived in an RV? Did not really work out as expected. But then again, I have had that feeling that I am more of a wanderer than a settler. I haven’t figured it out yet (it = me! 😀 ). I guess right now I am working on a little bit of both…
Hope all is well with you! Sending you an enormous hug back 🙂